Fellow Patriot,
Bloomberg’s Gun Control Lobby has called on the State Legislature to take up a so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, banning the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of commonly-owned firearms based solely on cosmetic features.
That’s why it is more critical than ever that pro-gun Coloradans stand together and make it clear we won’t tolerate ANY gun bans!
I am confident we can defeat this authoritarian policy with your help, but it will take all hands on deck.
So please, don’t delay -- sign your “STOP the 2024 ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban” petition above.
We will deliver piles of your signed petitions directly to their doorsteps in Denver at our expense, letting your lawmakers know Coloradans DO NOT want ANY gun bans.
Once you have signed, please consider making a generous donation to Rocky Mountain Gun Owners so we can keep up the fight against the radical anti-gun Democrats.